Southern Viking Bed & Breakfast Summer Swim Schedule – 2023

Southern Viking B&B

Senior Swim Time


Southern Viking B&B is pleased to offer a fun and healthy activity for seniors this summer: Senior Swim Time. This class is water aerobics designed for fun and light exercise (it does not meet any particular therapeutic, medical, or educational guidelines). The swim time is from 11:30 to 12:30 on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays during the months of June, July, and August.

Call us at 606-282-0127 to reserve your spot!

Our 2023 Summer Schedule & Pricing




Call us at 606-282-0127 to reserve your spot!

Inclement Weather Policy

Southern Viking B&B will make a decision to cancel class by 10am on each class day if the weather is will be bad. We will post that information on our Facebook page. Anyone without Facebook is welcome to call to check. Classes cancelled due to inclement weather will not be rescheduled.

Individual Session Option

You can join for an individual session if you do not want to commit to a whole month, subject to availability of space (pool maximum occupancy is 20 people). The cost for joining an individual session is $7.
